Friday, 16 November 2012

Next Technology Wave

Technology has always been a double-edged sword. This time around it's a threat to lawyers and doctors. Software is being readied to do the routine work of doctors and lawyers. But perhaps they deserve it. They have long ceased to be friends of humanity. They have been fleecing the people with utmost disdain. We can safely conclude it's a scam. It needs to be crushed. But there is another bigger threat. Companies providing healthcare and legal aid will be the next monster. Or, is it already in place?

Thursday, 11 October 2012


    Human beings are happy and satisfied in a win-win situation. Any win-loss situation is disastrous for mankind, be it sports, personal relations, business deals or economic system. When people are gaining at the expense of other people, society is in turmoil. It is becoming commonplace now. Are we prepared for the upheaval it would cause? Correcting the system and stopping the upheaval is a good thing. Doing nothing and boastfully saying we are well prepared for the storm is a foolish option. 

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Monster, Consumerism

   It's a relief that people are coming to terms with themselves. They are giving up on consumerism. Giving up on consumerism means that now they understand what a monster it is. It's real freedom if we free ourselves from it. Contrary to popular belief, consumerism is not a modern phenomenon, it is as old as human race. It's double jeopardy. Initially, consumerism starts making buyers poorer and seller richer. In the long run it does the worst of things, it pushes people into debt. And we know debt is slavery. Shun consumerism and get rid of slavery.       

Friday, 7 September 2012

No Amnesty

   There is a hue and cry, in India, that the bribe giver should be given amnesty because he is the victim of the exercise. It is not the entire picture. This small-time bribery where the official asks for a few hundred or a few thousand for the work to be done. The bribe giver is a victim here. It is rampant all across the country but still, it is the tip of the iceberg.
   Real bribery is when a company, small or big, offers huge money to corner a mine or a gasfield or dam project at a throwaway price. Ministers are always involved in these deals. The Prime Minister could not be in the dark either. Who is the victim here? All these people deserve extreme punishment. Leave alone amnesty.                                                 

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Whistle Blower

Everybody knows charges against Julian Assange are motivated. And it is not surprising at all. In fact it's very easy to frame somebody. Anybody who defies or blows whistle on the Establishment is treated like this and even worse. Being an extremely courageous and fearless person, Julian Assange is very precious to us. He must be supported and protected to the hilt. 

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Changing tastes ?

Earlier, films were made according to public tastes. Nowadays, films are being made to change our tastes. Movies with gay characters and women selling their bodies are abundant. And these movies are being given prominence in the media. They say people's tastes are changing. The truth is they are changing people's tastes to sell them their wares.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Height of Cruelty

   A Chinese couple released a video of their 4-year-old kid. Naked, running around on snow in the bitter cold. People cried, " It's the height of cruelty."
  The truth is these parents are far less cruel than those who feed their children junk food, throw them into reality shows, And are callous enough to let them into smoking and drugs. Pampering leads them to develop bad habits. These children's lives are hell and hollow in later years.  

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Monogamy is Tyranny

   Laws that punish polygamy, and customs and traditions that encourage monogamy are examples of tyranny on women. When they want to marry again, men are forced and encouraged to get rid of their present wives. Very decent and faithful women have to be thrown out, divorced,  proved unfaithful in courts of law, and sometimes even killed. Don't say it is rare, it happens every day and everywhere, all the more in civilised countries.
  Polygamy is an institution, devised to enhance the dignity of women. Nobody stops to ponder what would become of women who are in excess of men. Sooner or later they would become mistresses of married men, and some of them may opt for prostitution for economic reasons.  People are happy to call them mistresses and prostitutes but they wouldn't let these women become second wives or third wives. Ask women what they prefer.

Sunday, 29 January 2012


    Salman Rushdie's book is a reaction, an angry reaction, to Muslims' hypocrisy the world over. Muslims suffer from a superiority complex. They claim their religion is the best and flawless. They take pride in their faith as if it was created by their grandfathers. They don't realise that the scripture itself says, it is for everybody and not for Muslims alone.
   When it comes to deeds, actions and behaviour Muslims are no better than other people. Then why boast about your religion. Muslims would be better off if they were less boastful of their faith and good practitioners.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Governments on sale

   News stories abound about corporations donating money to Governments. It is said it is perfectly legal. Anything can be made legal when corporations and governments merge. Their merger is always behind the doors. It is never reported. But we can understand it easily.
   What now. Governments collect taxes from everybody, even from the poor. And give tax holidays to corporations and tax benefits to rich people, under the garb of employment creation and economic growth.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Shameful Deeds

    Consumption, of excessive variety, is at the root of most problems mankind faces today. It makes us poorer. It can make us debt-ridden. It may also force descent women into prostitution.
    Consumption forces us to over-exploit natural resources. People say we have money, we can buy anything. Wrong. Natural resources are priceless. Perhaps we are eating into the livelihood of our children and grandchildren. Shame on us.

Dangerous People

Observe the contradiction. Telephone companies say, ' Please accept bills in electronic form, paper comes from trees, trees are priceless, let the trees stand tall.'
    Then, there are other companies, making greeting cards, made of paper, in millions, discarded within minutes after being read. These people are dangerous to planet Earth.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Parents are problem

    Top cop says instances of rape are rising because girls are not wearing proper clothes. Does he mean that girls not wearing proper clothes are bound to be raped?  Is he asking boys to pounce on girls who are not wearing proper clothes?  What are proper clothes?
    Parents have become like animals. They give birth to the children and then, almost throw them out. Poor youngsters struggle to decide what to wear and how to behave. Outsiders and media take advantage of these youngsters and make them consumers of their products.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Fooling the people

Third-rate people are talking about the economy, growth, and wealth creation. But where is this wealth going? This stupendous growth has given us only 3% of the fire stations we need, only 4% of necessary personnel, 19% of  fire fighting vehicles
  Fire breaks out in a five-star hospital in Calcutta. Safety measures are nowhere to be seen. 60 persons have to die.
Hospital owners tell us what they do and what they don't do. " We are here to mint money, spending on safety measures is none of our business"

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Interesting Days

Interesting days, porn stars are being invited among housewives and children, on reality shows. Being admired and adorned, as if asking all the women to take up this noble profession.