Friday 25 September 2020

Social Media

 Social media is no saint. It can be equally vicious as TV and newspapers.

5 rules to follow when we see anything on social media.

I will take everything with a grain of salt

I will not feel anxious on delivery of bad news from these people

I will investigate for myself the claims being made

I am free to use my brain to navigate the lies to better reveal the truth

It is my duty to question everything.

Saturday 29 August 2020

Who is a Sufi

 Deoband was founded by Mohd.Qasim Nanotwi in 1867 and Barelvi school was founded only 38 years later in 1905 by Ahmad Raza Khan. Both were true-blue sufis. So, what is the difference? Barelvi was made darker by design so that Deoband can look brighter. Yes, Deoband looks good only when you compare it with Barelvi, otherwise both have dark history. Sufis defining Islam, laughable stuff. 

Sufis are no Muslims. They don't believe in tauheed, they believe in wahdatul wajood (universe is God). They believe prophethood is still continuing and their sheikh is a prophet. Angels still come down to him.

On this very basis of Allah/Rasool, they are oceans apart from us.

How can we allow sufis to be our leaders in religious matters

We proudly call ourselves Deobandi. In fact, we are drinking slow poison.

And our deen is in the process of slow death.

Thursday 27 August 2020

A Sufi, Oh no!

 All sufis have dual personality and they always indulge in double-talk They  write two sets of books- one for the muslims and the other for sufis. Imam Ghazali, Ibn e arabi and Shah wali ullah did the same thing. They don't believe in Khatm e nabuwat. Ibne arbi says prophethood is of two kinds. first is where Allah chooses a man for prophethood and gives him shariat. the other kind is where a man earns and acquires prophethood with his devotion and dedication, and this kind of prophethood is still continuing. If anybody is surprised, he can read Ibn e arbi's fatuhat e makkiah. We will find all the sufis saying the same thing. Shah wali ullah and Shah ismail shaheed are no different. If you are outspoken, you will say sufis are hypocrites (munafiq). And we thought sufism is the highest form of devotion. Sufis also say their sheikh receives wahi from angels same as propphet Mohammad did.  We should start reading their other books written for sufis. These same people are running affairs at Darul uloom for more than 100 years and the effects of their beliefs are everywhere to be seen.

Billionaires and Govt.

Billionaires and govt. are working together on a plan. Their single-point goal is privatisation. They want to privatise even rivers and mountains and we fools are talking about railways and education, that is the difference. We have weaken ourself. We have divided ourself. We have stopped reading. We want entertainment all the time. We have forgotten hard work and discipline.  We have lost patience. We are fighting with friends, fighting with brothers and neighbours.  Billionaires and politicians are uniting themselves and common men are dividing themselves. We will always be losers. How much we shout, how much noise we make, how many elections are held, how many debates are conducted, how much we curse Modis and Ambanis, how many namaaz/haj are performed. Nothing will change this equation. And never forget, as Muslims we are double the culprits.

Wednesday 12 August 2020

New Perspective

We should engage with the Quran again from a new perspective. We read everything but not the Quran.

When we say read the Quran from a new perspective, it means 80% of things said have been directed towards the people present at the Prophet's time. Only 10% of things are related to us.

Sunday 9 August 2020

Tablighi Jamaat 2

 The teachings of Tabligh Jamaat are expressed in Six Principles

1. Kalima  2. Namaaz  3.  Ilm o zikr

4. Ikraam e Muslim (Respect of Muslim)

5. Ikhla e Niyat   6. Dawat o Tableegh

Look what Allah has defined and prescribed as deen

Five things to believe in and Five things to do

Belief in Allah

Belief in prophets

Belief in divine books

Belief in angels

Belief in after-life 

And Five things to do and act upon

Tauheed   Namaaz   Roza   Zakaat  Haj 

Now see the difference, and the difference is huge and at many levels and still Tablighi jamaat claims what they are doing is a prophetic activity. Where is the need to play around with deen and create your own deen. It is not Allah's deen, it is mullah's deen, a man-made deen.

We can get rid of this problem by going back to basics. We have to learn what Prophet Mohammad told us, in his own words. Not in the words of Abu Hanifa or anybody else.

Tablighi Jamaat 1

 Tablighi jamaat with all its dedication and hard work, has 3 basic deviations which makes it prone to criticism and suspicious of its motives. 

1. They don't rely on the Quran. They, always and ever, will refer to fazail e aamaal. Nobody has seen them talking about Quran. Allah insists that only Quran, and nothing else, will be used for the purpose of Daawat. If they are not using Quran, we have all the reasons to be suspicious of their motive. 

2. Common people are encouraged to travel all over the country and then come back.  When they travel to a new place, they never establish a local network, nor involve local people for further work. The work of Daawat stops the moment jamaatis leave the place.

3. Jamaatis discuss only a 6-point discourse and not the entire deen. When you joined Jamaat at 20 and now you are 50, you will still find yourself talking only about those 6 points. 30 years in Jamaat and you are clueless about deen, it means your entire life is spent in 6th class, you don't graduate in Jamaat.